We finally retrieved our top layer of the wedding cake today from the freezer. Yes, I know, we were suppose to do this on our 1-year anniversary... But, we were not in the same state as the cake so we could not eat the traditional wedding cake on that special day... so we did it today instead! I dug it out of the back... off the top shelf where some gracious soul lovingly stored it that memorable night last September... there must have been 49 layers of tin foil wrapped around that chunk of cake... with 49 toothpicks stuck in it to keep the foil from smashing the white roses.. yes, Publix did a beautiful job on that wonderful cake...
We let it sit on the kitchen counter most of the afternoon defrosting... it was most delicious when we sliced our pieces tonight... Mmmmmmmm Mmmmmmmmm
Happy 1-year and 13 days Anniversary to us!
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