Well it's official... I am sick AGAIN. The creepy-crud that I had a month ago is back... and with a VENGEANCE!! It reared its ugly head when we unloaded the plane on Sunday morning at the Atlanta airport from our trip to NC. We were both coughing and sniffling the entire way home. I broke down and went to the Doctor this afternoon... I barely made it by 5pm but, they were nice enough to see me anyway. It is chronic bronchitis and infected sinuses... NICE. No wonder my face hurts all over and my head feels like an over-inflated beach ball. I cannot taste a thing, my throat burns and I cannot breath unless my mouth is gaping open. The rims of my nostrils are so red and raw from multiple nose-blowings that I really cannot do facial expressions without the skin cracking around my nostrils. Yes, I am outta commission. Yet, I still have to go to work tomorrow!! Things have to done that cannot wait on poor, sick Kelly... Oh well, I guess I can recover on my vacation during the Christmas week.
In the meantime, we took Berkeley back to the Vet yesterday. The week of medicine has not helped her leg at all. So we are trying one last option- they gave her a steroid shot. We will see if that helps any between now and Christmas Eve... more on that later...

Another great day together last Christmas Eve 2006...
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