Friday, August 29, 2008

I'm Now Excited!

I could not believe my eyes today when one of my co-workers showed me the msn headline off the Internet while I was trying to finish up my test in training class… McC has picked his running mate… and it was a lady that I really had not even heard of… as soon as I finished my exam (and passed BTW!!) I cruised to the web and read up on her… I read several articles on her and her husband… someone in our class knew who she was and seemed to be relieved he picked her…
Now I am not going to blog today about my rant on this election and how I much I think the other party is this or that. I really do try to keep my opinion to myself in the politics department because when I do voice my opinion about it, I only get myself into trouble. You all know I am a conservative and that is the party that I always support. And unless the other party made some serious changes and/or ever nominated a candidate that just blew me away politically, my views will never change. And after really pondering the choice that McC made today, I am now officially excited about this election! I think this election is now all the more interesting and exciting! And if you are not affiliated with a certain party, please research your candidates and their running mates and do not just listen and believe all the media hype we see on television and the Internet. Half of the things these politicians say is crap and not true… so it is your individual responsibility to research and discover the TRUTH.
I have made an effort to steer clear of the television this week because of the other party’s convention has been on all week on way too many channels. I do not understand why a national convention needs to go on an on for an entire week! What a waste of time and money! I cringe when I hear the words and music from this past week’s convention that Hubby has insisted on checking out… Let’s just see if the liberal media covers the conservative’s convention just as much this coming week.
On a different note, I cannot imagine what my Grandparents would have thought if these candidate packages were nominated back 20 years ago… boy, have the times changed or what?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As you know I’m a tree hugging Lucy liberal so McCain isn’t my choice. ;) However, I think he made a wise choice in a running mate and from what I read about her she seems to have her life together. I’m not voting for Obama because he’s a minority but I think it’s awesome that no matter the party that gets in office there will be a minority in the White House. You are so right about times changing. It’s history in the making! Heather