I really panicked yesterday when I heard about Wachovia...I finally got in contact with the lady at the Wach-Securities office back home to discuss my Grandmother's accounts... I just made a large transaction between her accounts a little over a week ago and am seriously stroking over the possibility that the money might not get moved as planned... Her scenario would get really ugly if the money does not switch accounts too. I am sure my blood pressure level skyrocketed all day yesterday... yet, Lisa at WS assures me that the money will move... of course, that is what she says today not knowing if she will still be employed there tomorrow!
Hubby wound up funneling all of our lawn mower and tractor gas into his work truck on Sunday evening to get to work yesterday... he scoured the Conyers area and luckily found gas to fill up yesterday afternoon! A few stations have gotten gas deliveries all around work and home but, the lines are unbelievably LONG and there always seems to be cops and TV cameras around too! I did manage to get gas yesterday morning around 4:40am again on my way to boot camp... God bless the BP on JF Rd for opening the pumps at that crazy hour!
Hubby and I did manage to get to Athens on Saturday for the tailgate and the Georgia-Alabama game... we enjoyed seeing old friends, trying some south GA smoked pig and then getting jammed into that stadium with THOUSANDS of other folks only to be disappointed that the home team did not play well or win for that matter.
Oh well, maybe our next football outing at Georgia Tech's Homecoming game in late October will have positive results with the tailgate and the game! Go Jackets!