On Saturday we made our way to my old alma mater Georgia Tech to meet up with some old college friends at a tailgate and then on to the Homecoming game.
We enjoyed catching up with some folks I have not seen in a long time, ate some really good food and then watched the Jackets unfortunately get beat by the Cavaliers. It was so great to see campus again and the weather was perfect! And then to end a great day, we enjoyed a wonderful dinner at a nice restaurant on the way home.
Well, today has been a totally different experience for me all the way around… today is the first day EVER in my life that I have not eaten a single bite of solid food. I am scheduled for a medical procedure tomorrow that requires me not to eat at all today… and I swear I am dying of starvation! Hubby busted me watching shows on the Food Network today and after he promised to fast WITH ME all day today, I busted him eating peanut butter crackers in the early afternoon! We had coffee for breakfast, Starbucks drinks at the grocery store, broth for lunch, soda and Gatorade all day long and the prescription drinks for supper tonight. The broth seriously tasted like liquid sodium… and I think I hit the starvation wall of terror around 5pm… the headache, the dizziness and gnawing insides have driven me mad all evening… and then the sick feeling in my gut from drinking all that nasty medical solution has not helped matters… And I am just now 25 hours into the no-food zone… and the saddest part is that I will not eat for another 14 hours!! I have moved around slowly all day trying not to generate much energy for fear of getting hungry too soon. I did help Hubby in the yard some to get my mind off the food factor. I just hope I can fall asleep tonight… I am sure I will feel even worse in the morning when I get up… the dizzy headaches has to be the worse part of all! Hubby is promising a wonderful lunch out after this is all over… that has to be my only inspiration at this point… This too shall pass…
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