Monday, May 4, 2009

Just Another BIG Reason To Get The Heck Outta Dodge!

Guess which drama queen strikes again? Yep! Our crazy old psycho neighbor is back to her old tricks again. After that whole show-down in our driveway last month (see THIS BLOG), I was confident we were safe from her anti-cable company antics for a long while... WRONG. Last week I received a voice mail from her informing me that the power line on her house was damaged by our cable guy when he worked on our cable (over 7 weeks ago mind you!) and that she was having a private contractor come repair it. Oh and she also also wanted to tell me that while this so-called contractor was there she was also going to have him disconnect our cable line off "HER" pole and have him them roll it up to the street and leave it. (This is her way of "getting back at that comcast").. her message continued on about how comcast won't address her issues because she is not a customer of theirs (duh!) and how she is just notifying us that we will not have cable/internet after May 8... How nice of her to "notify us" and give us the complimentary/neighborly heads-up- you freaking psychopath! I am SO over this woman and all of her cable-hatred driven drama!! Why cannot she just live out her retirement years in peace and leave her nice working neighbors alone? I am really starting to think she is just looking for some attention... So I called Hubby (who was outta town at his job site) and let him know the latest drama with the fruit-loop next door... I assured Hubby that I would NOT address this issue with her now or ever again- it is his turn! Besides, my sky-high level of anger towards her is not healthy and having to deal with her would only make matters worse for all of us. Well..... Hubby tried to contact the cable company and never got a response before he decided to just confront her directly (by phone). He asked her what was going on to which she responded that our cable guy had pulled her power line off her house... yadda yadda yadda... Hubby said that they were out over 7 weeks ago and she is just now discovering the loose connection? He told her that it could have been like that for months and she just did not see it... she of course automatically blames the cable man (who never touched the power lines or her house for that matter- besides that fact that the power lines are about 8-10 ft above the cable lines on the pole). He tries to explain to her that she cannot remove items off of a public utility pole and that there are hefty fines associated with it (including possible jail time)... she won't listen. He tells her that the pole is not "hers" and it the property of the power company... to which she says that it is MY pole since it is on MY property! He tries to reason with her and she just refuses to listen... she says that she "has" to take care of this cable company issue (of course, we really do not understand WHAT the issue is... except that she thinks their lines should not be on "her" pole).. Again, can you say psychopath?? By the end of the call, she tells Hubby that she just "cannot deal with that cable company's crap anymore" and he responds that "well, we cannot deal with your crap anymore"... and proceeds to inform her to never ask us for another favor in the future if this is how she wants to deal with her so-called "problem"... and then he hung up on her. Wow. For my Hubby to end the call on that note and hang up on her... just Wow. You go boy!
Well, since I was in Denver from this past Friday to Sunday, Hubby stayed home and worked in the yard (between rain storms) and fortunately never saw her! How uncomfortable would that scenario be? I personally think he should have carried a weapon for back-up protection... just in case... Oh well, I guess her self-imposed "deadline" is this Friday the 8th... thankfully Hubby will be in town and I guess if she gets her "private contractor" (who is her son by the way) to cut our cable on Friday or over the weekend, we will just have to call the cable company and have them come out and hook it back up. And hopefully we do not have to be there this time to "deal" with the stand-off that will happen between her and them once again for the cable re-installation.
Of course, Hubby is banking on her crying Wolf and not doing any thing. Personally, I am wondering if she is having her son do it for her Mother's Day gift... again, psychopath!!


Anonymous said...

This neighbor should be committed!
I have neighborhood children that are Hell'yuns so I kind of know what your going thru. I'm so glad I found your blog again. When my computer died I lost it.

Customer.Connect.Melissa said...


Just in case something does happen this weekend, if you can, email our group at I understand you may be without internet, but if you or Hubby has a BB to email or can get access to the Internet somewhere, we'd be happy to help you out.

PS - love your writing style. very funny. :)

Kind Regards,
Melissa Mendoza
Comcast Customer Connect
National Customer Operations