Friday, July 6, 2007

Dear Abby

Dear Abby,

I am little weirded out for some odd reason- maybe you can help me... I receive a thank-you card in the mail from a long-time friend of mine today (no names to protect the guilty). What a surprise I had when I opened the envelope and there was a pre-printed photo card of her unborn child on it... Yes, a color photo of a half-formed fetus just to put it bluntly (we will refer to the fetus as "Uncle Festus" to sound more pc). Now most folks might share one of those hazy, black and white ultrasound photos with close friends and family shortly after they announce their pregnant... but, who pre-prints baby shower thank-you cards with a color photo of their "Uncle Festus"? What happened to classic card stock thank you cards that you just write in, fold and stuff in an envelope? The shock factor would have been much less! I am still astounded over this whole concept and really surprised that this particular friend of mine chose to do this... I bet the photo store wasn't too happy about seeing it either. So tell me, Abby, am I overreacting to the "Uncle Festus" thank you?

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