So Saturday we were on our way down I-75 southbound heading into the City when we spotted another one of those funny scenes that always makes me wonder how stupid people can be... I even slowed down to get a good look at this moron and his hair-brained idea... imagine a nice dark colored Chevy Tahoe cruising down the interstate about 70 mph with two mattresses shoved into the back end of the vehicle with about a foot of material hanging out of the rear window and another two strapped down to the roof of the vehicle with a rope. Doesn't sound too bad, huh? Not hardly... imagine that the one mattress on the very top is bent at the rope and the front half of the mattress if standing straight up 90 degrees from its other half and just flapping against the wind... First of all, does the idiot not realize that this will damage the mattress? And secondly, how many mattresses are the poor souls of this City going to have to dodge, hit or push down the interstates before they ban this practice? Where are the police in patrolling the interstates for this kinda behavior?
Just last week I saw a car in the emergency lane of I-85 southbound that had run over a mattress and the thing had wedged itself so far into the undercarriage of the car that the car was resting on only the front two wheels and the back wheels were off the pavement. The car owner and the Incident Response Unit guy were just standing there scratching their heads and staring at the car and probably wondering how the hell they were going to get the two apart...
In my 17 years in this city, I have had two encounters with mattresses in the my lane of the interstate and both times it seriously scared the crap outta me... it is not fun to be going 65-80 mph and not see a mattress (or a ladder, etc.) in my lane until at the last second only to swerve out of my lane to miss it and just pray that no one is next to me so I do not hit them in the process.
All I can say is RIDICULOUS... why not just make 2 trips to haul your mattresses... the pain of making two trips to haul mattresses is much less painful than the car wreck that will happen after you lose them on the road... please people- THINK
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