I was running a little late this morning so I did not hit the I-285 until right around 7:00am. I had just finished up a more-than-normal stressful phone call with my grandmother... the headache set in about 5 minutes into playing our daily guessing game as to what she is trying to tell me... I get so frustrated trying to understand her... I am cruising the top end when all of a sudden I start hearing this really loud set of tires getting closer from behind me... Considering I could hear it before I saw it, the truck that flew pass me could only bewilder me once I processed what exactly it was... I had just laid my eyes on a Ford F-650 and good grief that truck is HUGE! Imagine this passing by you at 80+ mph on the interstate...

Who in their right mind would want much less purchase one of these? And what would you need it for? Especially around the City of Atlanta? That gas-guzzler probably only registers 2 mpg! Even in my 4-WD F-150 I felt like a kid driving a hatchback next to that monster. Even bigger than the biggest Hummer! Oh well, at least it woke me up and made my headache stop... even if for a brief moment.
Go see more of these trucks at: http://www.marax.at/funpix/ford_f650.htm
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