After our $1.00 per 10 minutes showers last night at the Redwood National Park campground… yes, I required 5 quarters to wash, rinse, and condition and then re-rinse this long hair of mine and bathe myself too! We went to bed in an almost eerily silent forest… strange it seemed for such big trees but there were practically NO usual forest noises… no crickets, no frogs, no birds, nothing…unless you count the large winged animal that cried out around 3am six different times… Mike keeps saying it was an owl… I am saying maybe an owl the size of an airplane… that noise was made by some winged raptor like creature I am sure…
Anyway, again this morning I woke up almost freezing it seemed… at least the tent wasn’t wet this time. We packed up, spotted some nice antlered deer on the way out of the park and then stopped for a short hike through the redwoods for some photos.

Next, we headed north stopping in Crescent City, CA for breakfast at Denny’s (too bad they do not have Waffle House here… a chicken melt would be really good right about now…). We finally crossed the Oregon border around 11:30am and were really surprised that they offer wireless at all of their rest stops! Finally! We scored wireless for next to nothing. (Note: We spent quite a while yesterday in Eureka trying to find wireless to post the Day 4 blog… we finally wound up stealing from the local Super 8 motel remotely from the laundry mat parking lot next door). We signed up to post Day 5 this morning. We left there and started our venture up the PCH through southern coastal Oregon… we stopped many, many times to see the beautiful ocean and rocks…

We seriously could have stopped every ¼ mile it seemed…

We finally made it to Port Orford for some of the best clam chowder I have ever eaten. The fish and chips were great too! When we stopped for gas we were very surprised to be greeted by a full-service only gas station… turns out the state of Oregon law does not allow self-service gas stations! Very odd… I have not seen a full-service gas station since my childhood days in Pine Mountain. As we made our way toward the Coos Bay, Oregon area we saw farms with llamas, cattle, and sheep. It is pretty wild for me to see llamas behind the same fencing as the cattle. Oh, and I finally found my first Baptist church yet on this trip in Harbor, Oregon… I guess CA just doesn’t have any Baptists?
Finally, we made it to the Sunset Bay State Park campground near Coos Bay. We set up camp and then went to Simpson’s Reef to watch the sun set over the sea lions on the reef… We roasted weenies on the camp fire tonight and Mike is now making s’mores for me as I compose this blog… Isn’t life good?

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