Now I am sad… this week and weekend (for that matter) have FLOWN by! I did the Denver marathon on Thursday, worked on Friday and then busted butt to get back to my hometown to check on the land clearing progress. We hired someone to come in with a bull dozer and a loader to finish clearing the front 3 acres of our land, cut more trees, and get ready for planting field grass. He started this past Monday and by Friday, the place looked totally different! I could not believe my eyes when I rode past the front of it… you could actually see up the property and it is such a beautiful view from the road now. We stayed over Friday night and all day Saturday helping the guy with his burn piles.


Unfortunately, we had to leave last night so I could do laundry and other chores/errands in preparation for our trip to Key West this coming Wednesday. Yes, we are finally leaving on the jet plane to the southernmost island in the Florida Keys! WOOHOO! Sun, sand and FUN are the only three items on my vacation agenda…. Oh, and sleep! In the meantime, I have a crap load of stuff for work to do between now and Wednesday and plenty of other errands to do for the trip too… so I better start now by putting another load of laundry in…
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