In my ongoing battle against my bulge, I started taking some exercise classes in the evenings to try and lose some weight, speed up my metabolism, yadda yadda yadda and so on and so on… Believe it or not, I have been overweight pretty much my entire life and now that I am in my mid-30’s I am really begin to “feel” the effects of carrying all the extra poundage around these years. I have tried many diets in my adult life… some worked… some didn’t… but, here I am back to the same weight… I actually weigh the exact same as I did when I was 25 years old… but, once I hit 30, I started carrying it differently. My bones and joints seem to crack and ache more now. I really feel it early in the mornings when I get out the bed and late at night before I go to bed. Even so with all my aches and pains and over-weightiness, I still know that deep down that I have an athletic Kelly living somewhere inside of this body. So I decided to go back to my old exercise studio where they push me to exert myself in hopes of losing the weight to connect once again with the old Kelly… the athletic Kelly that enjoyed sports… the old Kelly that fit into much smaller clothes… the proud Kelly that felt more confident about herself when she entered the room… THAT is Kelly I am searching for….
I have been attending these classes for a few weeks now and so far I am really enjoying my time there. The teacher is a feisty lady in her 40’s that loves to torture me with all kinds of crazy exercises… I have made some good “exercise class” friends there (folks I would never see at work or play- only at this studio)… the camaraderie is wonderful so far… but, then there is those “other people”… you know- the ones that come to class and then proceed to not do half the exercises because they have “bad knees” or “bad ankles”… WTH people? I do not understand why these folks even bother coming to class unless you are there to EXERCISE. That is the whole reason the rest of us are there… why not them? This one lady in particular has just really gotten under my skin the last few classes I have been to…. She is definitely in serious need of lessening the “junk in her trunk” and what better way than to exercise it off? Yet, she would rather stand there and keep talking about how she cannot do the 100 jumping-jacks like the rest of us because of her bad knees… you know, if you would do the exercises with the rest of us you would not have the time or energy to keep flapping them jaws lady!!! Seriously, I am over here on the floor trying to push myself through 50 push-ups and 50 sit-ups after doing the 100 jumping-jacks and this lady keeps chatting next to me about how she doesn’t like these exercises and I just keep trying to zone her out and keep focused on my rep counts. The class is running/sprinting in place and she is throwing half-hearted punches in the air…. We are doing squat/jogs all around the room and she is complaining about her knees and not squatting or jogging… she short-cuts every exercise and never stops complaining throughout the entire class time and it DRIVES ME NUTS! People like her just need to stay home and off those bad knees and ankles for crying out loud…. All they are doing to slowing the rest of us overweight folks down in our exercise regimen and keeping us from staying on task… I was so glad when she did not show up last night for class. It was nice to focus on me and my pain from all the boot-camp type torture the teacher was putting us through. Hopefully, all this pain and sweat will pay off one day… I just hope I don’t punch this lady in the process…
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