Sunday, June 29, 2008

8 Weeks of Boot Camp Complete!

I finished up my second tour of Boot Camp this past Friday… I have now completed 8 straight weeks of pain and agony at 5:30am in the morning each and every weekday. Truthfully, it has not been THAT bad…. I enjoy self torture tactics… no pain no gain, right?
I improved in all areas of my final PT test on Friday… I am most proud of improving my one-mile run by almost another minute! I ran it in 10:13 minutes… and I thought I was going to die! Sweat was just pouring off of my head… the salty stuff just stinging my eyes… I seriously need to invest in a sweatband. We get this coming week off and then start back on July 7. I am a little sad that we are not reporting back this week to be honest though… I have two big travel trips for work this month too- Denver all of the week of the 14th and El Paso most of the week of the 21st. But, the good folks at Operation Boot Camp are working with me on my crazy schedule and I will still get to boot camp all around my travel days. I just have to make sure I work out while out of town and on the weekends too.
In the meantime, after a nice ½ mile swim at the Aquatic Center this afternoon and our weekly trip to the grocery store this evening, I am preparing meals and such for the upcoming week. Oh and as of Friday morning (before the PT test) I am 21 pounds lighter and I am feeling great! Yes, life is good.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Kelly, that's great! Congrats on improving your mile and the weight-loss! Heather