Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Water Does A Body Good

I have another idea I wanted to share with my readers... it kind of goes hand-in-hand with the new Water Cooler concept at our home. In my quest to improve our diet habits, we have quit purchasing flats of bottled water and replaced them with our Camelbak bottles.

I have two different ones- a 24 oz. and a 32 oz. I try to drink at least 100 oz. of water a day. So I drink at least 4 of these a day...if not MORE. I fill up both of these before I leave the house for boot camp every morning and drink both bottles of water before I get to the office- that is 60 oz. of water before the sun even rises! I truly believe that water really helps boost your energy level throughout the day... so drink up!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

60 oz before the sun rising is quite impressive! I agree that water is great for your energy level. I drink about that much every day and I can tell when I haven't had enough to drink.

And good for ya'll for buying bottles to refill. It's great for the environment and the pocket book! :) Heather