One of the major tasks that I worked on today was a new laundry challenge. Yes, someone (and I not going to name any names, Hubby) left a green ink pen in his shirt last week and it was washed with any entire load of laundry. The worst part is that three of the shirts in the load were brand new shirts that we just ordered him from LL Bean. So the challenge was spraying and scrubbing hairspray onto every green dot, blot, smudge, etc. on every piece of clothing in that load of laundry! I am happy to say that 95% of it came out… 2 of the new shirts had to have hairspray re-applied and be re-washed- they are in the dryer as I write. And then, at some point late this morning I discovered that the back door had been left open into the sunroom and a humming bird had flown into the room! What a sight to see! This bird just flew from one end of the room to the other staring out of the huge window walls and trying to fly through them! He kept bonking his pointy-beak into the glass and then flying to another spot and doing it over and over again! I had to think fast and figure out how to swoosh him out the door and NOT get in the line of flight… 2 minutes later and he was back out in the world again. My other big task this weekend is emptying out my work truck and removing all of my stickers, bike rack, license tags, etc. Yes, our company has decided to save money and make all project managers drive cars instead of F-150 pick-ups. The superintendents will drive F-150’s instead of F-250’s. The upper management announced this directive back a month or so ago. We were never really sure as to WHEN it would really happen… well, I got the email from the equipment manager on Wednesday night of this week that my truck needed to be emptied out, washed, detailed, serviced, etc. by one week from that day. I have to say that I am happy that the company is making an effort to save some money on fuel, etc. But, I am also sad that I have to depart from Fiona. Fiona is one of the nicest white 2006 Ford F-150 4WD pick-ups around… She has been a great partner in this Atlanta traffic for almost 2 ½ years. But, she is going to one of the dirt work superintendents who is being transferred out to the southwest division for a big $190 million project we are starting up next month. So next Thursday Fiona will be making the long trip across America to Albuquerque, New Mexico…. Her first long distance trip! It brings tears to my eyes…

And, as for me? Well my new ride, a white 2008 Ford Five Hundred sedan will be delivered sometime the week of September 9. I searched for some photos on the Web of what I should expect… just imagine this in white.

It will be a huge change for me to drive a car again… I have not driven one since 2004 when I traded in Violet the Volvo. So I suppose more later when I am rolling in the new but gas-friendly car…