They came home to GA that Christmas in the same year… Nick was officially introduced to the family…
And then I visited them again a year later only this time with Mike… and again, we were welcomed with open arms. And they took us all over the mountains touring… to Vail… to Keystone… such a great time! Mike and I had a blast…
Before we got to see them again, Mike and I engaged and married and they moved from Breck to Jupiter, Florida… always so far away! But, we did see them last September when they came up to GA for a weeklong visit… we had a blast riding around on the ATV all over the countryside.
And that was the last time I saw him…
And I can absolutely kick myself in the butt for not making an attempt to go see them at their new home in Florida all this time…. There is always an open invite to come down there and we are always just “too busy” to do it… and now it is too late.
We lost Nick Friday, November 14… doing one of the things he loved to do… scuba diving…. Always the extreme sportsman… Always into something… Always living life to the fullest! I grieve for my cousin every time I think of what she felt at that moment when the police came to the door that evening and told her that he was gone… I cannot fathom what that must feel like… it makes me hug my Husband tighter every time he leaves me now to go to work, to the store, to any where. I pray after him on his way to any where his path leads him… because who knows if he makes it back or not. Even the strongest woman who has lived on her own for 33 years can become dependent on their spouse of only 2 years on so many levels. I cannot imagine my life without my Husband even after only 2 years…and to have that all snatched away from someone in a heartbeat is just unimaginable. I understand why my cousin has not talked to me yet… it is just too soon. And I am only a reminder of their past… I really do not know what I am going to say to her when the time comes… I tear up every time I think of what words to tell her… it is going to be hard when I do… but, the most important thing is that she know that we love her and she will never be alone…it will just take time… lots and lots of time…
We miss you Nick! May you Rest In Peace sweet friend.
Nick Felipe
July 25, 1975 - November 14, 2008