So yesterday was the first morning in a quite a while that we actually got to sleep in… and in our OWN bed! How nice it was! We had gone back home again really early Saturday morning to run errands, attend a family reunion, take Sampson back the vet, etc. It was a really long day and we did not get home until after midnight Saturday night. Besides the fact that Sampson has eaten next to nothing for the past two weeks, his visit to the Vet did not really tell us much either- and just like my Grandmother, he will not last too much longer without food intake. But, we have tried to get him to eat just about anything and everything and he just turns his head away from it or he gets up and moves to another room in the house. And for the ol’ Warrior to deny food is just sacrilegious! He is getting so skinny and his bones are really showing now through his fur… it is quite depressing on top of everything else that has happened over the past few weeks. But, we are so fortunate to have some great neighbors to take care of him during the day and on the nights that Mike is out of town. And they have much better luck and skill getting Sampson to eat a little something each day.
Over the weekend I did manage to start tackling the monster task of sorting my Grandmother’s account statements, receipts, etc. Our living room is covered in stacks of documents. I am trying to get a grip on what exactly what I am going to have to close, transfer, etc. in the next few weeks/months in order to settle her estate. The good news is that she did not have any debts or mortgages- just insurance policies, utility bills, and insurance accounts. I actually made the first two calls today on her primary and secondary insurance carriers to get their automatic payment schedules to stop debiting money from her bank account. After a long hold waiting on medicare to pick up the line, I am now over 10 minutes on hold waiting on social security to pick up as I type this post- Imagine that. And I thought my journey was soon over…
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