Monday, December 22, 2008

God Is Good.

God is good.
Those are the words that have kept vibrating in my ears over and over and over for the past week. And how true it is…
I carried out my plan as outlined prior to my trip last week to El Paso. I returned to Atlanta on Wednesday afternoon and then made the trip back home to meet the new Caregiver in person. Both of my parents met me there to meet this lady and the meeting went pretty well. She lives in an old Victorian house right smack in the middle of town- the house has been completely renovated. When we walked into the door, the smell of pie just knocked you over. She had baked eight pecan pies that day for Christmas gifts!
She is a collector of many things… mostly trinkets… angels mostly. I just hope my Grandmother doesn’t break any of them! And she does have two little lap dogs and a bird… maybe my Grandmother will grow to love and enjoy them… She will be my Grandmother’s companion 24/7… she will take her to Callaway to see the flowers, she will take her to the cemetery to visit my Grandfather, she will do her hair, she will take her to Church, she will do any thing she wants or needs…she cooks only homemade country meals… she loves to work in the yard… all the thing my Grandmother used to enjoy so much… it all just sounds too good to be true…
We left there and took off for my Grandmother to break the news to her. I picked her up at her apartment and took her to the restaurant to meet my parents for supper. We settled into our meals when I finally started telling her… at first she cried. Then, she asked each of them what they thought about it (of course, not me since I am the instigator of all evil!). Then she cried a little more… after 30 minutes of explaining to her that she would be fine and love this lady and enjoy being in her home town again where all of her friends are, she was fine… we told her she had one week until we brought her home for Christmas… for good. She seemed okay with all of this when I left her that evening. I left the 30-day notice letter under the Director’s door that night. The next morning when I called her to make sure she remembered the upcoming move…not only did she pick up the phone on the second ring (which has not happened in a long time) she told me very clearly that she was ready to go home. I questioned her eagerness to go… she said she talked to God about it the night before and he told her that she should go to this lady. I could not have been happier at that moment! She was actually excited about it! And every day since that moment, on every phone call I make to her, she still brings it up and asks questions about her new home, the lady, and how much longer before she leaves…
I know that at first she will not like it. I know this transition will be a tough one for her and the rest of us. She will hate it for the first few weeks but hopefully the Caregiver will win her over with pie or homemade sweet potato soufflé. Heck, maybe we can move in with her too if she is going to just keep cooking like that!
So the move is on… I did talk to the Director that next day… she was so shocked over the letter under her door. I did not give her any negative feedback on their end at all- it is after all water under the bridge at this point. Besides, why cause ripples when the other is such a great thing for my Grandmother? I have worked out most of the other things like medical prescription transfers, etc. So now I am just waiting for Christmas Day… More like Moving Day for some of us… Fingers crossed!
Oh, and God is good.

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