Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Recovery Day 2

We finally made it back to our home here in Marietta on Saturday evening after all the Christmas festivites. How tired were we! We decided to catch a movie that night- "Seven Pounds"... and what a tear jerker it was! 4 out of 5 stars from me. We spent Sunday doing laundry, running errands and getting ready for my surgery the next morning. Well, the 7am gall bladder removal surgery went well and we were home around 1pm. I have four nice incisions visible in my tummy area to show the world. And I am VERY sore indeed! I spent most of yesterday either sleeping, hiccup-ing, drinking fluids and feeling very, very nauseated... it was awful! But, today I feel much better- the nausea is gone but, the soreness has really set in. I pretty much hung around the house all day relaxing... I did manage to get some of my Grandmother's business taken care of by phone too. My Mom is here too and she brought her little lap dog with her. So watching little Cooper goes nose to nose with big ol' Sampson is pretty entertaining. All in all, the day passed by pretty fast. Other than figuring out that daytime TV is awful, today was a good day.

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