Sunday, February 8, 2009

Another Day, Another Episode

I have been so busy lately between work, boot camp, karate, living with a traveling husband, etc. I have not been to visit my Grandmother in person in several weeks and I feel so darn guilty about it! I do not know why I carry this guilt so much… I mean I DO live an hour and half away… and the other members of our family only live 5-10 minutes away and they only go to see her once a week or every two or so. Our last trip down there did not offer a large enough window of time to go actually visit her since we spent all day moving her furniture and stuff out of her apartment and into her house. And we had to recruit a friend’s help since my brother was out of town on a hunting trip. Well, I keep telling her that I will down to visit her soon… but, she asks me EVERY…single… day… and it is driving me insane! Again, I feel so bad about it but, my work is keeping me super busy and with all of my other commitments, I just have not had a weekday or weekend day to go. And this weekend was nothing different- with Hubby’s birthday this coming week, we were doing birthday things both days with his family members. So when her Caregiver called to tell me that something was wrong with my Grandmother yesterday, I panicked. She had already called the On-Call Hospice Nurse. She explained to me what had transpired… I called my Mom and she agreed to go up there. I talked to the Nurse after she completed her evaluation of my Grandmother. She tried to tell me that her opinion is that my Grandmother had some sort of spell after a huge BM… huh? After listening to her list of symptoms and stuff and after already hearing the original list from the Caregiver, I put together my own theory. My Grandmother has had another slight brain seizure. I mean this seizure is nothing like the two huge seizures she had experienced last March, but all the characteristics are the same. Her temporary loss of memory of the entire day before is another trait also. Of course, the Nurse did not agree with me. And I chose not to agree with her. She wound up falling asleep almost immediately after the spell (same as before) and did not really wake up until early this morning. I talked with her this morning and she seemed like her normal self. However, considering yesterday’s events, I have decided to take a personal day on Tuesday and head on down to spend the day with her. She already has a doctor appointment that day that I really need to go anyway… so why not make a day of it? She will love it and hopefully my guilt will disappear…

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