Monday, August 11, 2008

School Supplies

So the school system started back today in our County. Hubby went out of town yesterday afternoon for work today and I got the day off. I decided to spend my ½ day of non-wifeness going shopping. As I was standing in one of the many long check-out lines at wal-mart, I noticed the kiosk of School Supplies lists. These lists are furnished by the different schools in our area so parents will know exactly what to purchase for their child(ren) to bring for their classroom supplies. You can just pick one up on your way into the store and shop away! How easy is that you ask? Well I thought it was a great idea… until I read the lists… There seemed to be a LOT of lists left on the kiosk for the Second Grade at one elementary school so I am writing about today. I am in shock! The list consists of the usual: spiral notebooks, scissors, glue sticks (6!), No. 2 pencils, 2 pocket plastic folders, crayons, ruler, eraser caps (12!), pencil box, highlighters (I do not even recollect having those until high school), etc. And then we get to the weird stuff:
· 8 Washable markers classic- Conical tip
· 2 Expo2 Dry Erase Markers- Chisel tip
(what is it with all the different tips?)
· 8 Original Formula Markers- Fine tip
(how many freaking markers do they need?)
· 8 Medium Point Red Pens (for second graders???)
· 2 Kleenex tissue boxes
(where is the teacher going to store 40+ boxes of these?)
· 12 Colored pencils
· Marble composition book
(I thought these were not required until highschool!)
· 8 oz Liquid antibacterial hand soap
(does the school system not provide this?)
· 8 oz Waterless hand sanitizer
(or this? Where are my tax dollars going?)
· Quart size sealable Storage/Freezer bags (huh?)
· Gallon size sealable Storage bags (huh again?)
· Eraser for Dry Erase Board
(how many erasers does the classroom need?)

Would someone please indulge me as to WHY every child in a 20-30 student classroom needs to bring this much crap to school? I feel so sorry for any parent with multiple children. This list does not even include PAPER or a notebook binder (Trapper Keeper for us “old” folks) or the backpack to haul all this junk. What about tape or a pencil sharpener? I am surprised they don’t require computer disks or blank CD’s or DVD’s. Why not throw in a couple of jump drives or heck, why not just bring your own laptop!
I am amazed at what the education system expects and sad for the parents who are stuck fulfilling it. What a crock.


Holly said...

I have been on my soapbox for weeks over Alexis' 1st grade supply list. I was appalled at the list.

The eraser for the dry erase is now so that each child can have their own little board to practice math and such on.

We also had to buy all the stuff crayons, 4 tennis balls (to cut down chair noise in the class room) brown paper bags, cotton balls, plain folders, construction paper,paper towels, baby wipes, and water colors. The 4 and 5th graders also add in flash drives and blank CD's and the like.

I spent over $100 once I bought her a backpack and lunch box.

Kelly said...

Yes, it is IDIOTIC! I am still whining about it...

Holly said...

The tennis balls is what threw me OVER the edge! I mean come on...chair noise comes with the territory of being in a classroom. And you can't buy just four in a pack..oh no! You have to buy two cans of three. And did I mention on our list it was explicit to say they ONLY wanted name brand Crayola stuff. Yea..please...get real! A crayon is crayon for cryin out loud!

Kelly said...

Oh, I left the Crayola part off this list... but they did specifically call out that brand on here too!

Holly said...

yeah...they didn't get it from me for sure. Nor did they get "name brand" from nay people in the class from what I saw.