Saturday, November 1, 2008

Angrier By The Minute

I am seriously worried about the future of this country depending on what happens on Tuesday. I believe that the liberal media has influenced this election to their point of view so much that every “news” channel on television is reporting the same line of crap. Why is the liberal media airing 80-90% pro-Oboma and only 10-20% McCain? Every “news” channel I flipped to for the past two months is pro-liberal Oboma and his false idol views. They have seriously put him up on a high pedestal and turned him into a Hollywood star. He truly is the next American idol… or should I say anti-American idol? Who knows at this point? In my opinion, he is the most UN-American presidential candidate in history. He claims to be one thing and yet his history says different. He is all about “changing’ this country… yet, I have not heard one changing tactic that will make any difference to my life. He is nothing but a smiling star in an expensive suit with a huge following of folks who keep proclaiming that he is for their special “rights”… would someone please explain to me what “rights” they are fighting for beyond the rights that we the general population already have? Are they special in that they get different or more rights than the rest of us?
And what about his ability to spend millions of dollars on television air time? Why would a liberal who wants everyone to donate all of their “extra” earnings to the poor people go and spend $3million dollars on a television infomercial on him? Why not donate those freaking $3million dollars to the poor? Why not donate all that campaign money to the poor so the rest of us can keep our hard-earned money for our retirement? This whole entitlement mentality just needs to stop now. It should be my choice to donate my money to the poor or charitable- not the government’s decision! It should be a gift from me to the charity of my choice… not taken from me by law and given to whoever the governments deems needy of it.
I am so angry this week and the closer we get to Tuesday and the more I keep hearing the same crap on television, radio or internet, the angrier I get! All I do know is that whatever happens Tuesday is in the hands of the higher power in the heavens and I cannot do anything to change it or control it. I do know that I do not have to support or honor the false idol if the liberals manage to vote him into office… isn’t that what freedom of speech is all about, right?

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