Friday, September 14, 2007

6-Month Sadness

I am little sad this morning... yesterday was the 6-month mark since the fatal accident on my job site in Atlanta. I knew this day was coming up.. March 13th will be forever embedded in my brain as the day one of my men fell 20' through a roof opening and hurt himself so badly that the doctors could not help him and he then he died 2 days later... most of you know the story... I tearfully blogged my way through the saga...After being served 2 OSHA citations this past Wednesday in person at the job site, I solemnly signed the acceptance sheets for the OSHA man and wondered if this week could get any worse (Note: Yesterday was the 6-month deadline for OSHA to issue the citations for the March incident). Well..... yesterday I received a phone call from the victim's daughter... I was in my office and the phone rang... I answered to a somewhat distraught lady that was trying to tell who she was... she said she was the victim's only child.. "you know, my father was the man that was killed on your project in Atlanta"... now what did not settle well with me AT ALL. It was all I could do to interrupt her and play nice... I wanted to hang up on her... I tried to explain who I was and see what she wanted... She wanted some paperwork... so I got her info and immediately called our legal dept. To make a long story short, the legal dept. made me call her back and explain why we cannot give her the paperwork... this conversation with this lady started at 6pm last night and it was one of the worst 10+ minutes of my life!! She brought ALL the family skeletons out of their closet, she was half crying and half yelling... so much pent-up anger was clearly evident in her words... It always amazes me how mean family members are to one another- especially during a crisis. Oh well, I managed my way through the call... but, for me the sadness is still here this morning as I sit at my desk pecking at my laptop...

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