Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Day 5- Fort Bragg to Redwood Natl Park, CA

This morning we woke up to a VERY chilly and wet tent at our coastal campground spot just north of Fort Bragg, CA. I had to sleep completely under the sheet, the blanket and two sleeping bags with one nostril hanging out to breathe or else freeze to death… the entire side of the tent closest to the ocean and the rain fly were completely wet… that made it even more challenging to break down and pack up camp in the low 40’s temps.
This is foggy northern coastal CA in the morning…

We left camp and ventured north stopping for breakfast in Garberville, CA… very expensive egg and pancakes needless to say served by again more hippy-types… I felt kinda nasty waking up this morning and not showering… and I thought my hair was greasy-looking? Puh-leeze! I am a good 4 days less of taking a shower than most of these people around these parts… I have never seen such dirty looking, grungy people in my life and it seems like every town we go through is just crawling with them!
Anyway, we spent the next few hours again driving winding, curvy, narrow road conditions on Hwy 1 but finally entering redwood country. We just gawked up at these massive tree trunks as we curved in and out of them.

We finally made it back to 101 and then to Eureka… after a pretty bad Chinese food lunch (who makes Moo Goo Gai Pan with brown sauce and what looked like sea kelp for crying out loud?) we ventured into the Redwood National Parks area… we kept seeing signs about all the wild elk but never really saw any until we got to the National Park Ranger Station and the whole pack of them seemed to be hanging out there!

We found a nice campground right in the middle of the Redwood National Park… it is amazing how big these trees are… oh, and this time for camping out at our third campground we bought firewood… see Mike setting up camp… now we just need the s’more fixings to complete the outdoor experience… oh well, maybe when we hit Oregon.

This tree was right across from our campsite...

This tree is right next to our tent...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope you are having fun girl!!!!