Sunday, March 9, 2008

Another Sunday Another Fun Day

Another Sunday at the hospital… weren’t we just here last Sunday or am I dreaming? Well guess what… the Neurologist finally showed up yesterday (Saturday) afternoon an hour after I left! Wouldn’t you know? Of course, I have been here EVERY day waiting… and waiting… and waiting… and he shows up as soon as I give up and leave… of course, my mother was here in my place to put him on the cell phone with me. I told him about the seizures, her bizarre behavior, etc. and honestly, I think he was surprised! He seemed to think she was nervous and agitated… ya think? Once she somewhat “woke up” yesterday afternoon, she turned from comatose to crazed patient- mean spirited, lashing out, combative-like… just plain ol’ anger. And he just could not understand why… I am beside myself at this point… is it not obvious to him that SOMETHING has happened to her??!! I just wanted to scream out, “Look at her man! She looks like death warmed over! Her behavior is all over the spectrum and she is blind as a bat! This is NOT my grandmother! She has been taken over by something or has lost something more than usual in her mind!” But, I kept it to myself and just asked if he could do some sort of test(s) to evaluate her brain… he agreed and ordered an EEG for Monday. He did try to check her eyes and he concluded that she is definitely not seeing ANY thing.
I think at this point I am depressed. Depressed for her. Depressed that she is blind, depressed that she cannot remember anything from just a few minutes ago, depressed that she does not know I am here in the room with her until I speak, depressed that she is in the shape that she is… because if she was the grandmother that I know she would absolutely die if she knew what she looked like physically and mentally. And she sure wouldn’t want any one to see her like this… I have managed to keep most “visitors” away from here- only family and one close family friend to help with the “sitting duties”.
I did manage to go home yesterday afternoon and do some serious laundry and spend some time at my house with my hubby. I have to tell you how nice it was to be home and to wake up late in my own bed on a Sunday morning…But, those few hours FLEW by and now I am back in hell… But, tomorrow brings a full day of fun: the (hopefully successful) EEG, Rehab assessment, and hopefully some long overdue ANSWERS! I just keep praying for something to hold on to with this…

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