Saturday, March 8, 2008

48 Hours Into Hospital Tour # 2

We have been in the hospital for Tour # 2 for almost 48 hours now. We are in the hospital room this morning staring out at the thousands of beautiful snow flurries falling from the sky. Memaw is sleeping... as she has been since she arrived back in the ER almost 48 hours ago. Yes, every since the 2 back-to-back seizures on Thursday afternoon, she has pretty much laid in the hospital bed sleeping. She randomly awakes with very jerky movements and most of the time does not know where she is... her words are jumbled and non-comprehendible... she really does not open her eyes all the way... but, if you ask her simple questions she does answer and with correct answers about half the time. She is still seeing things that are not there and even though I tell her I am here constantly, she really does not remember that I am here... She seems to keep having nightmares that jar her awake and she rambles distorted words that I cannot decipher...I just assure her that we are here and we love her and she falls back asleep.

I did have one of her best friends come sit with her yesterday from 9am to 4pm so I could go back to Atlanta to turn in some paperwork at the office, go home, shower and pack. The Neurologist did not show up yesterday though, but maybe he will come by today or Monday.... And her eye doctor will hopefully examine her eyesight on Monday too- she just does not seem to be much of ANY thing for the past day or so.

At this point, I am so frustrated with the whole scene. No answers from any doctor since we left ER, the nurses don’t really know any thing about her or even when the doctors might be coming by… it is just sit and wait, sit and wait, sit and wait some more… Of course, my patience box is still somewhat full… I am running on energy fumes but I will stay the course until they figure out what is wrong with her. I am terrified to leave her side in case I miss the doctor… I cannot win for losing in this it seems… and I feel like I cannot rely on ANY one person up in the organization for details if I do miss the doctor.

I have watched so many episodes of “Living Single”, “Beverly Hills 90210”, “The Nanny” and “The Golden Girls” my head is spinning. I wish MTV or VH1 would just play music videos all day. Or if I could find a way to listen to my Sirius satellite radio here in the hospital would be awesome too! I did finally find the Food Network station on the TV… just trying to keep sane in the membrane…

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