Saturday, June 14, 2008

Another Day, Another Trip to Denver

So I traveled back to Denver again this week. My flight to Denver left Atlanta at 11am on Wednesday morning and what a trip it was for me. First of all, I went to Boot Camp early that morning and then returned home to shower. Then, I traveled to the airport and when I went to check-in at the kiosk, the Boarding Ticket they issued me had no seat assignment. Instead it said in really BIG letters: SEAT REQUEST. So of course I was instantly nervous that I might not get a seat on the plane! I made it through security so quickly that I got to the gate almost an hour and a half before flight time. As soon as I got to the gate, I stood in line two or three times to try and get my seat assignment- to no avail. They were not talking to any passengers about the Denver flight until one hour before flight time… Eventually, I got my seat assignment and waited to board. Since we boarded around 10:45am, I decided it was too early to eat and would just buy a bag of animal crackers on the flight to tide me over until I arrived in Denver. Well, wouldn’t you know that idea backfired on me… First of all, the crew did not even start the cart service until after one hour in the air…. So by the time the cart got to my row I was STARVING. I could have eaten the tail end of a horse! I had my dollar ready, passed it to the cart lady, ordered my animal crackers and anxiously waited. As she is handing me the bag, she says, “Ma’am, you can buy these but, you cannot eat these in your seat”. “Excuse me??” She says, “Unfortunately, there is a passenger behind you that has a severe peanut allergy and no one in the three rows in front of them or the three rows behind them can consume any product that MIGHT have been packaged in a plant where they also package peanuts”. Now I am livid… on top of my starvation- NOT a good mix in Kelly’s world at this moment. I ask, “your kidding, right?”. No, she is not. I then venomously reply, “Well, is there ANY thing on that cart I can eat within their guidelines?” She only allows the free cookies. Now I am simply peeved. I tell her to give me the cookies and the crackers and be gone. Well, you should have heard the elderly lady in the row behind me when she got the news about her cheese crackers… it was obvious she had not heard my conversation with the cart lady and she was ANGRY. I pondered this whole situation the rest of the trip. Why couldn’t that person put on a mask? Or an oxygen mask? Why not move them to the rear area away from the 40+ other passengers you are infecting with your issue? Why did they not tell the 40+ others this at the gate so we could grab a bite to eat before boarding? Poor planning on every one’s part if you ask me... but, they cannot help it so what is the point in getting so upset, right?
After landing, I grab my shuttle to the rental car place. I notice the lack of vehicles parked in the rental lot when I get there and start to worry when I get inside the building and find the waiting line about 100 folks deep. What if they run out of rentals? After an hour of waiting, I get up to the counter and the guys asks me if I would be willing to take a small SUV instead of the Intermediate level sedan I was signed up for (at the same rate). I agree- and they give me a Hummer! I am in shock. I tell him that I cannot drive a Hummer to work because every one will make it into a big deal and joke incessantly about it. He just says, “Enjoy yourself! You are in Colorado!” And I reply, “Whoopdee Doo, I was here last week too so who cares about Colorado?” So off I go to Denver in my white Hummer H3 rental. I call Hubby and tell him what happened. He just laughs and tells me to be sure and park it out front of the office so every one can see it. Needless to say, I parked it between two large white pick-ups and hope that it is hidden enough.
One of my co-workers from Atlanta and I had a good time taking it to supper and around Denver that night. Unfortunately, we were not the low bidder on the project we bid on Thursday, so the trip did not really have a happy ending. And then, my flight home got a late start from the Denver airport, so we did not arrive back into Atlanta until almost 1:00 am… What a crock.

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