Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Burn Baby Burn!

I am feeling the burn this morning... What is the burn you ask? The burning in my legs, knees, feet and hips after running 4+/- miles this morning at boot camp! I only slowed from a run to a power walk on the two hills and then ran the entire trip WITHOUT STOPPING!! I am stoked at my progression in my running game! I never dreamed I could run non-stop for 45 minutes in my entire life. It is very exciting for me to achieve this and all of my other fitness goals. This Friday marks the end of my 8th week of boot camp and the last day of Month 2. I have a PT test on Friday morning to measure my improvements on running, push-ups, sit-ups and dips. After the 4 miles I ran today, the one mile on Friday should be cake walk. Can I get a Hooah?

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