Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Early Bird Gets The Vote?

I could not believe my eyes this morning at 5:15am when the little old white haired lady showed up at the park where we were getting ready to start boot camp… she was there to get in line TO VOTE. Huh???!!! At 5:15am? Come on! Seriously! Who in their right mind would show up just short of two hours before they open the early polls (and in 35 degree temps no less) to wait to vote? Call me crazy but that is just a tad on the kooky side of thinking… By the time we finished our workout the parking lot was PACKED with vehicles… folks practically running to get into line! I am really start to worry that Election Day will be one huge headache for those of us who did not have the opportunity to early vote… All I can do is just hope that the masses get all voted up before November 4th so the remaining few of us won’t be waiting for hours on the big day… Fingers crossed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm a little worried I'll have to wait in a long line too, and with a toddler in tow to top it off. Oh well, I'm hanging on the hope that like you said, it will be a breeze for us since so many have early voted! Heather