Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I am deeply saddened today after receiving the news last night that a couple of my dearest friends are divorcing…. I arrived home to find a letter in the mailbox written by the wife informing me that they were parting ways… So sad! You see this is not just another failed marriage of a couple of “young folks” in their 20’s or 30’s. This special couple was an “older couple” who both have lifelong successful careers, had previous successful marriages, have grown children, grand children, etc., etc. The list of accomplishments goes on and on… they married just 7 years ago… they were so in love… or so it seemed… I got to know them at our Church in Atlanta… I formed a special bond with them… and so reading that letter last night just crushed me. Hubby was out of town last night so I had no one to vent to… besides, he never really got to know them in these past few short years. I have a million thoughts passing through my mind today and I have not yet out how to simply “process” this turn of events.
I suppose I can ponder the situation while we are on our last short vacation of this year… we leave tomorrow for Key Largo… hopefully, this wedding and reunion with old friends will take my mind of it. This too shall pass…

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