Thursday, February 21, 2008

Coffee Talk by Kelly

I posted a blog back on August 8, 2006 when I first started blogging that I wanted to share today:

Grande Non-Fat Latte All The Way!!!
Today I have decided that I am officially addicted to the Non-Fat Latte at Starbucks. Now do not judge me because I actually purchase "high-dollar" coffee products from the largest coffee house chain... I have been known to make fun of "those" people myself in the past... but, here in the last few months I have discovered my love for their latte (non-fat of course- I would NEVER order the fattening one for Pete's sake!!! As a matter of fact- I checked the fat-meter on these puppies and the Grande size (about 16 oz.) has about 160 calories, 0 fat)... Anyway, back to my love for latte's... I am serious! I cannot stop my hands from turning the steering wheel every morning into the Starbucks in the shopping center off Johnsons Ferry Road in East Cobb... it is a sickness I know. And what makes it even more sickening is that now the people that work there actually know my name!!! They greet me each morning with: " Good morning, Kelly! How are you today?" Now most of you know that I am NOT a morning person... but, it actually does NOT even phase me when the cashier lady tells me "good morning" (any one else and I have been known to tell them where to put their good morning)... I think the reason I am un-phased by this normally maddening greeting is because I am whipped by the latte! The thought of that foamy cup of perfection has possessed me into being an a half-decent morning person (well, at least for the 5 minutes that I am in the store and maybe the remaining 45 minutes of my commute to work). Unfortunately for my co-workers, by the time I arrive to the office or job site, the latte is gone and my usual bad morning self is back... And believe me, that crappola coffee they make at the office makes my disposition even worse!!! Oh well, cheap coffee supposedly keeps the office overhead expenses down... yeah, right...

Well needless to say, I don’t stop by Starbucks as often these days*… I have actually a love for someone else’s java… McDonalds!! Yes, I have decided to come out and admit to the world that I LOVE their coffee!! Of all the coffee places around, Starbucks, Dunkin, Einstein’s, Caribou, you name it… I have to say that Mickey D’s has the BEST java of all- smooth, not too dark, not too light and you cannot beat the price vs. the others!! A large cup of Mickey D’s best brew is less than ½ the price of the Starbucks latte’s… so I am saving money…and that makes my husband happy…and if he is happy about that, then I am happy about it!
*Please know that I do still stop by Starbucks on occasion… I just don’t want to over-indulge on a great favorite!

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