Sunday, January 27, 2008

Kelly's Movie Reviews

The Bucket List

We saw this film on opening night a couple of weeks or so ago… This has to be one of the best movies that I have seen in a long time… I laughed the entire first ¾ of the movie and then cried the last ¼ of the movie… Jack Nicholson is one of my favorite actors of all time and he did not let me down with this performance at all. Morgan Freeman played his character beautifully as he does in all of his works. I still love him best in Shawshank though… This movie is a must see for all adults- young and older. The story is a classic tale from an old idea that we all have thought about in some way or another in our own lives… The one thought I did leave the theater with was wondering exactly how much money did it cost for those two to complete their bucket list???!!
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars*****

I Am Legend

After seeing all of the ads for this so many times before it came out in theaters, we just had to go see what it was… and this movie was NOTHING like what I thought it was going to be about. The plot was sort of a twisted idea of what would happen if the citizens of an entire city were infected with a deadly virus. NYC was the city of choice in this film, which is convenient since it sits on an island, and could be quarantined from the rest of America physically. Will Smith was excellent as the only person who is somehow immune to the virus and decides to stay and search for a cure to this viral plague. The whole concept of what “could” happen if this type of plague occurred on us as a nation. Definitely makes you think about some serious what-ifs… the movie kept me on the edge of my seat… but in the end…. All was well with the world… well, at least in the film…?
Rating: 3 out of 5 stars***

No Country For Old Men

I know one of my dear friends who is a HUGE Cormac McCarthy fan is going to kill me for saying this… but, I did not like this movie… I do think Josh Brolin was wonderful in the role as the main character… I thought Javier Bardem was creepy (as always) with his 70’s child-like bowl hair cut and this role for Tommy Lee Jones should have been a cakewalk for him. By the end of movie, there were still a lot of unanswered questions. All I kept thinking the entire movie was why Brolin’s character did not put the money in a different bag and would someone hurry up and please kill the killer??? And I am still wondering how in world Bardem is nominated for the Best Supporting Actor Oscar?… who did he support? I just wanted to punch him into next week. The movie has 8 (count them, 8) Oscar nominations… Wow.
Rating: 2 out of 5 stars **

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