Saturday, January 19, 2008

Snow Day 2008

Today brought us a nice layer of snow to play in... it started mid-morning and snowed pretty much most of the day. We finally made it outside to play after lunch. Sampson had a ball! He kept jumping and running and trying to EAT the snow!! Yes, if you throw snowballs, he eats them! He just keep biting at the snow the ground- it is really odd in my opinion... I took a LOT of pics- if you interested go to my Picasa photo site under the Snow album. I suppose we will be iced in tomorrow... fun, fun...

Yes, Sampson played with the football too!

Sampson taking a break from eating the snow!


claudia said...

Hi kelly, just browsing the nav bar.. cool music i like.. how'd you get that on your blog? I see you got the snow down there in Marietta.. looks like fun.. we lucked out here in NE alabama.. NO snow as predicted..after getting in all my supplies for the snowstorm! HA! Stay warm! claudia

claudia said...

just me again.. we must have the same taste in music.. I just found the playlist thingy at the bottom of your blog.. I'll have to check it out ..thanks! claudia