Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Loving the Winter Season

After two visits from the snow gods in the past two weeks I am really wondering or more like hoping there is more in store for us this winter. I just love the winter season! And being from Georgia and having lived in the South my entire life, I feel like we get cheated out of a lot of winter fun because we do not get snow hardly any more. Ice maybe... but not snow. Yet, for some reason this winter has brought us snow... now granted it really was not enough to do some serious sledding in... but enough to throw snowballs and maybe construct a small snowman.... IF you had the energy to scrape the entire yard up and could stand the cold temps long enough to build it. I can remember the winters as a child in the late 70's and early 80's when Georgia actually scored some serious snow... even it was only once a season! It got us outta school and we freaking sledded! My brother made us a homemade sled out of a piece of sheet metal siding and we had a ball!! Dangerous sport but we still had primo fun... Maybe with the whole global warming deal, we will do a 360 and start seeing more snow??!
Another thing that goes hand-in-hand with rollercoaster weather in the winter season is having colds and sickness randomly during this season. Now for me in the past, I hardy EVER got sick... maybe once a year and even then it was just a head cold... but, the older I get and now that I am married, I seem to be catching colds and sinus infections more and more! Another reason I am constantly sick these days could be because there are certain co-workers in my office that are ALWAYS sick! Yes, these certain folks are fine one week and sick the next.. and every one else always makes excuses for them by saying that they have small children at home and that is why they are always sick... and that's makes it okay.... HUH? Are you kidding me? Half of America has children at home and the parents do not walk around sick 50-75% of the time because their children are sick! This one employee in particular's kids do not even go to daycare or school yet! They are always at home in their own house... not out mingling with others catching their ailments... at home with Mom or Dad... all day and night... so tell me how the children are always sick unless they are not clothing them enough for the temperatures or they are not eating the right nutritious foods for staying healthy? If they don't go around other children and they are kept warm and fed right, then sickness should not be an issue! And then the parent brings that sickness to work and touches the community files and office equipment and gets me sick too!!! It is just not right... But, I cannot say anything about it either to the carrier of the germs... would'nt that be hypocritical of me??

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