Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Some Reunions Just Shouldn't Be Planned

I open up Yahoo! this morning on the web going through my usual cyberspace motions to check my email, check my mySpace, yadda, yadda, yadda... when I happen to see the "big" headline for the Entertainment section on Yahoo! ... New Kids On The Block are reuniting! The article described this reunion like it was the second coming ... The author who wrote the article must be a HUGE fan of this past boy band... but, let's remember that that is exactly what they are... a PAST boy band... from a LONG time ago... and they are no longer boys... they are in their mid-to-late 30's by now... maybe even 40's? And their music was not even that good even back then! Their fan base in the late 80's and early 90's was mostly middle school age girls and those girls are all grown up now in the their mid-to-late 20's and have married and had their own children... Maybe the old fans could push their pre-teen idols onto their children now? "Look honey, Mommy used to be in love with Joey Mc.... isn't he a doll????"
It will be hard to imagine what Donnie Wahlberg and Co. would even look like now dancing around a stage at their age... not pretty I am quite confident. I guess what I am trying to say is that boy bands are for 20-somethings.. not 30 and 40 somethings...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Speaking of boy bands...does Cool and the Gang count? I heard Cool It Now on my XM the other day. That was early 80s baby.-poo