Thursday, April 24, 2008

Key West, FL- Check Out Them Oysters!

I knew we were in trouble when we walked through the gate to board our plane and we had to go down stairs to the asphalt parking area where the plane was parked. Yes, we flew on a pretty small "puddle jumper" to Key West and I am here to tell you it was SMALL. VERY little room in the seats. You had to duck to miss hitting your head coming into the plane and your seat! But, the flight was calm and only 1.25 hours. The Key West airport is really tiny and even though our hotel is only about 1 mile away, the cab fare was $11!!! We checked in and then took off for supper. We wound up at the Hog's Breath Saloon and consumed 2 dozen of the largest oysters you have ever seen. And some of the Best we have eaten... it just proves once again that Florida is THE place for raw oysters. Check it out:

Might just have to go back there tonight...

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