Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tax Day 2008

Today was a dreaded day for a lot of folks... Tax Day. This is the second year that I have filed as a married person. And what comes with being married and having decent jobs? More taxes! So we get to PAY Uncle Sam this year... It is really weird to not receive a nice fat check from the government for the first time ever. And I thought it was hard to give up my refund for the past two years and actually share it with another person... this year is definitely even harder! In our agreeement as the compromising married couple that we are, we agreed to hire an accountant this time to do our taxes and a maid to clean our house. So Mr. CPA took our paperwork and Marlene started cleaning yesterday. Yes, I finally broke down and agreed to let a stranger in our home to clean up our day-to-day messes. How greedy is that? But, I have to tell you it really does free up some of my precious time outside of work, commute, and exercise. Now if we could just find a chef too....

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