Friday, May 9, 2008

The Boot Camp Journal- Day 4

Woke up at 4:35am after a very fitful night of sleep. (Or should I say non-sleep?)
Not raining when I loaded up truck- thanks goodness!
Thought to myself how interesting today would be with a wet ground though!
Arrived at park 5:20am.
Today was titled "Fabulous 50's" or something like that... meaning everything will be done in sets of 50!
Start with very fast warm-ups- getting winded...
Run up the driveway toward street in zig-zags sideways... Huh?
Finally make it to top- now I am really heaving.
Do a few leg exercises.
Run into woods to grassy clearing.
Get a partner- some guy named "Veelas" (not sure on spelling)
I do 25 sit-ups while he is holding my feet and he is doing the "plank".
(Plank is where you hold your entire body weight up off the ground with your elbows and toes)
Then he does the 25 sit-ups and I have to do the "Plank".
Holy Smokes I am hurting! The Plank is Killer!
Oh, and let's not forget the soaking grass and ground that I am laying in...
So humid this morning.
So thirsty.
Do 25 more and then the plank while partner does his other 25.
More running- back up to top of hill driveway and now down the street!
I just pray in my head that we are not running the dreaded "1 mile" route.
Stop in front of fire station and do 50 assorted push-ups in different antagonizing positions.
Back on feet and running further from park...
Run down street to different park entrance and down the driveway to bottom parking lot.
Really, REALLY winded now...
Shuffling squats sideways all along and up and down the parking space lines.
They keep on yelling to keep our butts down while shuffling in squatting position.
Hell, they are lucky I am still going at this point!
More leg exercises.
So thirsty.
Run further down park driveway to the nature trail.
Walking lunges and squats all the way down the trail... Yikes!
Miraculously show up back at original warm-up spot.
50 Dips off the street curbs- oh my aching tri-ceps!
50 mountain climbers in the mud.
So, so thirsty.
50 sit-ups in the mud. Seriously, I am laying in the dirt people.
Ending stretches in grass...
You should see my outfit. Thank the Lord for Gain detergent.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Testing Testing 1-2-3