Wednesday, May 14, 2008

The Boot Camp Journal- Day 7

Woke up at 4:35am.
Very sleeeeeeepy… had a hard time falling asleep last night.
Arrive at 5:20am.
Today’s workout is “Legs, Abs and Butts”.
Warm-ups are not too bad this morning.
Run up driveway hill and over to ball field.
Split class into two groups.
Spend 35 minutes moving between four stations.
Each station has different leg, abs and butt exercises that KILL.
We are sprinting back and forth between stations as they “switch” up the groups from station to station.
From the first station of exercises on the ground, I knew it was gonna be trouble…
The grass was absolutely drenched!
And we are just wallowing around in it on our stomachs.
On our backs.
On our knees.
On our stomachs again.
By the end of the session there was not one dry spot on a stitch of my clothing!
I could not wipe my brow ANY where!
And I was covered in dirt and grass.
Today has been the worse so far.
BTW, I have noticed that I now have a permanent grass rash on my knee caps thanks to Boot Camp. The crab grass just EATS my skin!
Storms predicted for tomorrow- cannot wait to do this again IN THE RAIN no less!

1 comment:

Jeff said...

Don't quit. It WILL be worth it!!