Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Boot Camp Journal- Day 2

The Boot Camp Journal- Day 2

Woke at 4:45am.
Dressed in workout pants this morning since daily email instructed it.
Arrived at park at 5:25am.
Was issued a resistance band.
Started out doing warm up exercises on the asphalt parking lot-
Squats, lunges, stretches, jumping jacks, etc. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat.
Run uphill to the ball field.
Did I mention sopping wet grassy ball field?
Yes, we spent the next 30 minutes laying in soaking wet mushy grass on our backs.
In my hair.
On my elbows.
On my hands.
Covering my entire back.
Soaked through my pants on my butt.
And let’s not forget my poor achy WET knees!
And COLD wetness mind you.
We would do all these abdominal-torturing exercises and then arm exercises with those freaking resistance bands for about 8 minutes at a time and then have to RUN ¼ mile as fast as you could.
And then do it all over again… THREE more times!
We finally ran back to the parking lot and did more arm exercises and then stretches- my legs and ab muscles were screaming…
And tonight? I can hardly walk much less climb up or down stairs!
And this is only Day 2.

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