Tuesday, May 13, 2008

The Boot Camp Journal- Day 6

Woke up at 4:35am.
Arrived at park at 5:20am.
Pretty chilly this morning- breezy and 48 degrees!
They announce that today’s workout is “Sprints”…
Warm-ups for 5-10 minutes.
Run up the driveway to ball field next door.
Run entire perimeter of field.
Getting winded now.
Split into 4 teams.
Each team has 5 cones spread about 30-40 feet apart in a straight line.
Run to second cone and drop to do 10 sit-ups.
Run to last cone and drop to do 10 push-ups.
Sprint all the way back.
Stop at each cone and do 10 leapfrogs, 10 jumping jacks, 10 push-ups or 10 sit-ups. Sprint all the way back.
Squat shuffle sideways to each cone and do the above.
Sprint all the way back.
(Believe it or not, I actually enjoyed this workout because we were not continuously running… just sprinting short distances which is more my style). In between each of our turns, we were doing squats, push-ups, sit-ups, and etc. while waiting our turn. NEVER stop moving! How many times did I hear that this morning?
Oh and the grass was DRENCHED this morning with dew and freaking freezing mind you! When it was over, my whole backside from my shoes to my hair was soaked!
By the time I got the office, I was chilled and when I went to the restroom to change I realized I did not pack any clean underwear! So I had to walk around all morning in cold, wet skivvies for crying out loud! NOT funny at all…

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha... I love how you tagged it with wet skivvies!!! And do I hear someone hear complaining about it being cold? Suck it up wimp!! ;)