Friday, May 16, 2008

The Boot Camp Journal- Day 9

Woke at 4:45am
Arrived at 5:15am.
Today is the "15-15-15" workout.
Run up driveway to half-way point. Stop.
On command, sprint up the top half of driveway and then into clearing of woods.
15 Squats and kicks or 15 push ups
And then the "plank" (holding entire body up on elbows and toes) for 30 seconds.
Run back down to starting line.
Repeat 9 more times.
Can you say exhausted? I was dying after # 5!
But, you know what? The sprinting up the hill seemed to get a little easier after # 6 or 7th time...
even though I was more tired! How weird is that?
And the ground was floating in rain water from the rain all day yesterday...
so you can imagine what I looked like when I arrived back at the house to shower and get ready for work.
The best part? I get to sleep in tomorrow!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What is your goal weight? I'm very impressed with this whole boot camp thing. You are my hero!!