Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Boot Camp Journal- The Last Day # 18

I completed the Boot Camp Program yesterday. I graduated with Perfect Attendance, 15 pounds lighter and I ran an 11:02 mile! I beat my first day mile by over 2 minutes! I improved on my push-ups, sit-ups and dips reps too! They gave us Boot Camp T-shirts and stickers and I got a koozie for my perfect attendance. We celebrated last night at the Dunwoody Tavern with one free drink of choice and appetizers. All in all, it was a wonderful day.... and night.
Now that I have completed my first Boot Camp and found that the results are just so positive for me, I have signed up for ANOTHER THREE MONTHS!!!! Yes, folks you read it right... I have signed up for another 12 weeks of blood, sweat, tears and torture. Call me crazy but I am determined to make a positive lifestyle change. And Boot Camp is the only way so far that has truly made a difference in me physically AND mentally... Believe me, it is NOT easy getting out of the warm bed at 4:30am every weekday morning and going to that park to exert myself for 45 minutes to an hour each day.... BUT (yes, there is a but) I can see how much better I feel, how much more energy I have, the good changes to my body, and most of all, it makes my attitude MUCH more positive! And when I feel good, Life IS Good!
So this ends my series of Boot Camp Journals... I will not keep boring every one with my daily journals. I will only write highlights as they happen on occasion in the next 12 weeks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kelly! That’s quite an accomplishment!  Heather